Friday, June 8, 2007

Inspired by a YogaFit training experience

Photos by Evan Trapp June 2007

1) Stand tall in “Tadasana” (Mountain Pose)

2) Hands in Prayer Position

3) Reach your arms out to the sides and up over the top of your head. Arch back

4) Bring your arms out to the sides, and down to either side of your feet, head touching your knees

5) Right leg back (lunge position) knee off the ground

6) Both legs back (“inverted v” or “downward dog” pose)

7) Lean the entire body forward into push-up position. Hold your breath

8) Tuck chin, lower your entire body down to the floor

9) Come up into Cobra

10) Tuck your toes, lift your legs off the floor (up dog)

11) Buttox up (“inverted v” or “downward dog” pose)

12) Lift your right leg up, see how close you can come to touching your toes to your head

13) Bring your right foot forward between your hands

14) Turn your left foot, so the instep is in the floor. Come up into warrior pose, hands up over your head, palms facing each other. Keep your right knee bent.

15) Lower your right arm, so it’s parallel to the floor. Bring your left arm directly behind it, parallel to the floor.

16) Lower your left arm to your left thigh. Reach your right arm up to the sky. Look at that right hand.

17) Lower your right hand to the right side of the right foot. Reach the left hand up to the sky. Look at the left hand.

18) Lower your left hand to the outside of your left foot. Reach the right hand up to the sky. Look at that right hand.

19) Lower the right hand to the outside of the right foot. Bring the left foot forward so both feet are together. Head touches your knees

20) Arms out to the sides and up over the top of your head. Arch Back

21) Return to Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Repeat on the other side, bringing the left leg back first.